Diagram of abdomen -
(Calopteryx virgo Male)
1. Segment 1
2. Segment 2
3. Segment 3
4. Segment 4
5. Segment 5
6. Segment 6
7. Segment 7
8. Segment 8
9. Segment 9
10. Segment 10
11. Anal appendages
12. Abdomen
Diagram of wings, thorax and head -
(Enallagma cyathigerum Male)
1. Eyes
2. Pronotum
3. Antehumeral stripes
4. Wings
5. Pterostigma
6. Legs
7. Thorax
8. Head
Male Reproductive Anatomy Diagram -
(Calopteryx virgo)
1. Accessory genitalia (sperm moved here before being transferred to the female during copulation)
2. Prominent anal appendages (act as claspers to hold the female behind the head when in tandem or copulating)
Female Reproductive Anatomy Diagram -
(Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis)
1. Less prominent anal appendages
2. Ovipositor (used for laying eggs in aquatic plants or into water)
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